Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Well, I'm new to this whole blogging thing. Will it annoy you if i stop using caps where they are needed? I hate hitting the caps lock button while typing.  i sometimes wonder why we even do it really. i mean, i totally get punctuation and everything. but the capitalization of letters doesn't really matter to me, UNLESS you are emphasizing a word.....

anyway, well, lets see. i guess i'm supposed to introduce myself and explain why i am now writing about my life. I'm anna. i am married to a hottie-pa-tottie man. we have a cute little boy together, who has both of ours hearts wrapped around his pinky. i'm an ALMOST, stay at home mom. i work 1 1/2 days a week. I'm a night owl. i get completely unraveled if things aren't clean and in their proper place..... and i'm pretty random, and very quirky.  my life revolves around God and my sweet little family. my husband and i have a passion for missions, and are hoping to one day move to Guatemala, and serve on a more full time basis. we know that its going to be awhile before that can happen and are completely resting in the fact that he is going to open the right doors for us. its so exciting to see what God has taken me out of, and where he is leading me.

so, lets get on with this- shall we? we are expecting another little one this coming august.  a girl. wow. a girl. really? i'm so excited, and yet completely terrified. oh, i'm so pumped about a TODDLER girl......(notice how capitalization was needed, here) its not the little girl that worries me. its the TEENAGE girl. and yes, i know, i have a couple years before i have to worry about that....or so everyone says. but, i don't know that i agree. i mean, yes, the hormones, the cell phones, the boys.... i know that will all be awhile. what i'm really worried about, what makes me sweat bullets, is that we've got to discipline and instill the right values NOW so that when the teenage years come, she knows how to handle herself.  and yes, i know that she isn't going to be perfect, thats not what i mean. i honestly don't know how to word what i really mean. maybe there really are no words to describe it.............